Around the works and collection of Christine Viennet, a southwest artist internationally recognised for its palissystes creations, is told the story of Bernard Palissy, the famous ceramist of the 16th. To this collection, super hymn to nature, are added barbotines, majolica, trompe l’oeil objects, from the remotest times to the present. These items, parts from private collections and museums, make this exhibition a haven of freshness and colours.
Bernard Palissy, according to Christine Viennet:
‘Naturalist ceramist Bernard Palissy is the self-taught inventor of a unique style. He is the father of ceramics in France. Nature is his predilection’s domain. Father of geology, physics and chemistry, he opens the way for modern sciences. He speaks of waters, forests, respect for Earth for the benefit of Man and their future generations. His teaching, ecological before the hour, is highly topical. He showed us in a wonderful way that our past, our present and our future depend on Nature.’